1. The Challenge of Modern Day Living
    2. Realizing the Choices You Make
    3. Examining Your Past Patterns and Values
    4. Learning to Be Congruent with Your Values
    5. Balancing Your Life as an Opportunity
    6. Creating balance and fulfillment
    7. Challenging Your Patterns
    8. What Will You Focus on Now?
    9. What are your values based on?
    10. Recognizing When you are being authentic and inauthentic
    11. The Importance of Being Happy
    12. The Key is Self-Awareness
    13. The Present is the Point of Power
    14. Learning to Take Care of Yourself
    15. Making Your Exercise fun
    16. Balance and Mental Health
    17. Positive Emotions
    18. What resources do you have?
    19. The importance of being grateful
    20. The value of Self-Talk
    21. Focusing Your Attention on Your Passions
    22. The Seven Steps to Creating Balance in Your Relationships
    23. The Importance of Communication in Relationships
    24. The Importance of Having More Fun
    25. Recognizing Your Self-Approval Needs
    26. Balance and Your Family
    27. The most important quality for balance in your family.
    28. The power of agreements
    29. Balance and Caring for Others
    30. Quieting the Mind
    31. Being Open to Your Feelings
    32. Being Playful
    33. Learning how to use your imagination
    34. Creating a One-Pointed Focus
    35. How to breathe correctly
    36. Uncovering Your Purpose
    37. The importance of investing time in meaningful work
    38. What to do if you are overly focused on yourself.
    39. What to do if you are overly focused on others.
    40. What to do if you are a workaholic.
    41. The keys to creating a healthy life balance.

    Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to order.

    Stress Solutions has been featured in numerous press articles in prestigious publications like the Wall Street Journal.

  • Balancing Work, Family and Self Syllabus