- Program Summary
- Origin and Consequences of Stress
- Recognizing your Stress Signature
- Awareness and Choice
- Benchmarking your Stress
- Long-Term and Immediate-Need Stress Management Techniques
- Instant Technique, Cleansing Breath
- Topic 1: What is stress
- What is the origin of stress?
- Topic 2: The Stress Reaction
- Physiological Benefits of Managing Stress
- Psychological Benefits of Managing Stress
- Topic 3: The Sources of Stress
- Environmental Stressors
- Social Stressors
- Physiological Stressors
- Your Thoughts
- Topic 4: Instant Technique: Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Topic 5: Type A Behavior
- The Missing Link
- Topic 6: Burnout
- What You Can Do
- Topic 7: Timeshifting
- Topic 8: Creating a Relaxing Environment
- Topic 9: Stress Hardiness
- Learned Optimism
- Optimism Exercise 1: Reframing
- Optimism Exercise 2: Gratitude
- Topic 10: Instant Technique: Stop, Breathe, Reflect, Choose
- Topic 11: Meditation
- Physiological Benefits
- Psychological Benefits
- Meditation Technique
- Long-Term Technique, Practice Session: Meditation
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to order.
Stress Solutions has been featured in numerous press and media publications like the Forest Hills Times.